Problems and solutions to many of the problems discovered during network troubleshooting. Detailed information related to Perl, custom SNMP network management, and other details.
Friday, November 9, 2012
Ubiquiti AirCam save snapshots to web page and refresh every 30 seconds
Tuesday, October 23, 2012
Use WMIC to get logged in user from remote computer
The Command:
C:\>WMIC /NODE:’Hostname' ComputerSystem Get Username,Name
The Results:
Name UserName
Hostname Domain\User.Name
The node can be the DNS name, or IP Address, also a list can be used as well.
I would have really liked to use this command to query thousands of nodes, however through experimentation the tool seemed to crash after 30 or 40 hosts.
I tried the /FAILFAST:ON and /FAILFAST:50 options with some improvements, but nothing solid.
Please comment if you have used this tool successfully for a large list of nodes.
List Computers in a domain
dsquery computer domainroot -name ws* -o rdn
By default this will be limited to 100 results, use the –limit option to display more results.
Thursday, May 31, 2012
How to install Victek Tomato on Linksys WRT160N V3.0
reboot, then install victek tomato
I had to use the reset button prior to logging in.
*Updated to run tomato RAF on 10/31/2013
boot wrt160n
login to
default username is admin
default password is admin
upgrade to linksys firmware version 3.0.03
firmware version: v3.0.00 failed to upgrade to dd-wrt after 2 percent complete
use this file from the linksys web site: WRT160Nv3_0_03_003.code1.bin
after reloading go to administration page
firmware upgrade
upgrade to dd-wrt.v24-14896_NEWD-2_K2.6_mini.bin
change username and password to admin / admin
upgrade to tomato RAF use the reset to defaults option
upgrade to tomato-K26-1.28.9006MIPSR2_RAF-Std-NOCAT.trx
login to tomato raf