When using jquery plugin blockUI if the user doesn't move the mouse after the control returns the cursor will continue to spin.This is documented on the following post:http://old.nabble.com/-blockUI--IE:-Cursor-still-displays-hourglass-symbol-after-unblocking-td25593484s27240.htmlHere is the fix.Edit the jquery.blockUI.js fileAfter line 379 add the line below.Line 379: els = $('.blockUI', el);Add this line: els[1].style.cursor = 'default';
It depends on what version of blockUI.js you have, but here is what I ended up using around line 390.
var els; if (full) // crazy selector to handle odd field errors in ie6/7 els = $('body').children().filter('.blockUI').add('body > .blockUI'); else els = $('.blockUI', el); if ($.browser.msie && els[1] !== undefined) { els[1].style.cursor = 'default'; }